The #1 Thing You Need Before You Launch Your Change Initiative


In my 20 years experience helping leaders and executives transform their organisations, I’ve seen so many reform programs suffer because they were missing a critical element from the outset. If you want your launch to be successful, gain momentum and real engagement within your organisation, this podcast is for you.

In this episode, I talk about creating a clear, compelling, strategic narrative ,and how it’s the number one thing you need before you launch your change initiative. I discuss how creating this narrative will explain the context for change in a way that your employees can relate to, enabling them to take ownership and unleash their discretionary energy.

I also dive into the importance of knowing and communicating your why, how to embed the strategic narrative into your organisation and how change is always about individuals choosing to change. I talk about the reticular activating system, which explains why humans pay attention to stories, and I share 4 practical tips to help you get started creating your clear, compelling, strategic narrative.

To help you get started easily, I’ve created a FREE bonus “Strategic Narrative Cheat Sheet” for you. Pop your email below to download your copy now.

No matter where you’re at in your change journey, it’s never too late to create a strategic narrative that will invoke, build momentum around, and sustain the long lasting reform you desire in your organisation. I hope you love tuning in to this week’s episode!


[1:50]: The number one thing you need before launching your change is a clear, compelling, strategic narrative

[2:30]: Although the narrative comes from you, the employees are the ones who will get the organisation there through their commitment, engagement and energy

[3:05]: A strategic narrative explains the context for change in a way that employees can relate to, making them way more likely to participate

[3:55]: Once you have a strategic narrative, own the change story with your personality and voice.

[5:00]: Tell the story of change over and over through the journey to all stakeholders involved and make sure the senior leadership team are aligned

[5:30]: Train the leadership team how to tell the story. Your goal is to hear staff and stakeholders telling each other the story 

[6:30]: Your strategic narrative is going to be the centrepiece of all messaging about the change initiative, directing all strategy, decisions, investment and action

[7:00]: Humans are hardwired to pay attention to stories through the RAS, which we can program to help know what to pay attention to, create meaning and help us understand the world

[8:45]: Tip 1: Co-create your strategic narrative with your senior leadership team so they can feel a sense of ownership

[9:05]: Tip 2: Get your team to use a proven strategic narrative structure when you’re building out the story. The way you tell it matters

[9:55]: Tip 3: When you’re telling the change story, always start your narrative by answering the question, “why the change?” before you describe your vision for the future. 

[10:45]: Tip 4: Task your change teams with creating a plan for how to tell the story over and over

[11:12]: It’s not too late to create a strategic narrative, no matter where you are in your change journey

[11:44]: Download the strategic narrative cheat sheet to get started


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Kate Byrne