Do You Really Need A Change Management Strategy? (Psst: No, You Don't)

Your change management strategy is the foundation and compass for all the change effort to come. But… do you always need one? In this episode of The New Way podcast, I’m sharing my take on whether or not you really need a change management strategy.…

Your change management strategy is the foundation and compass for all the change effort to come.  But… do you always need one?

Look, no. No, you don’t.   Let me explain 👇🏽

For the record, to the organisational change managers reading this, yes I understand you’re working on very important elements of a change or transformation program right now.  

My take is that it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a stand alone change management strategy. 

Do you need to carefully consider and plan what you’re doing? 

Do you need to apply creative problem solving and use your expertise to design the way forward?  

Do you need to document what you’re doing?  

Yes to all of that.

I just don’t think that a brand new change management strategy is appropriate or relevant to every project or initiative.

That’s why, today on The New Way podcast I’m sharing my take on whether or not you really need a change management strategy.  

I’m also breaking down the most important elements I recommend you include in any change management strategy for the few times when you really do need one. 

In this episode, I cover:

  • When you actually need a change management strategy

  • The most important parts of any change management strategy

  • A simple technique to check that your strategy is actually solving the right problem (<- this can be harder than you think to get right!)

I know not everyone will agree with my perspective on this. I know it’s a little bit controversial. I can just imagine change managers listening to this and shaking their heads.  Ha! 

Take a listen and let me know if you agree or disagree with me that not everything needs a strategy?  I’d love to know. 


[2:00]: A change management strategy is a plan of action to achieve a significant long term goal and the overarching approach you’re going to use to get there.

[3:00]: A brand new change management strategy isn’t relevant to every project or initiative.

[3:45]: Big ideas and big initiatives need a change management strategy. Everything else should have an action plan that fits under the big strategy. 

[4:15]: An example of having one overarching change management strategy that holds the whole program of work together with aligned action plans sitting underneath

[5:50]: Another example for implementing a new IT system and aligning all the change to a single overarching strategy

[8:00]: The big opportunity has to do with alignment. When everything is aligned to a single strategy, the sum of our efforts are bigger than the constituent parts

[8:50]: The bigger the vision, the more important it is to get your change management strategy right. It’s the compass for all the change effort to come.

[9:20]: Appropriately diagnose the business problem that your initiative is going to overcome. 

[10:30]: Ask “why” 5 times in a row to identify the core business problem.

[12:45]: You need to consider options and claim the overarching approach you’re going to take to solve the business problem.

[13:25]: Include the principals, policies, guidelines and business rules you’re going to follow to deliver your initiative. These help you bring your overarching approach to life across all of your change effort. 




Kate Byrne