3 Must Do's To Build Trust When Implementing Change

Low-trust is a major roadblock when it comes to delivering successful change. Change resistance is usually the result of a lack of trust. But how do you earn & build trust when implementing change? That's what I'm sharing in this episode of The New …

Struggling with folks working in silos, not sharing info or resources, not having confidence in their colleagues or leaders, and making decisions based on personal interest, not on what’s most aligned to organisational strategy?  You’ve got a low-trust organisation on your hands.

I’m sorry to say you’re going to struggle to deliver effective change.  But don’t stress, with the right know-how, it’s not insurmountable.  

Low-trust is a major roadblock when it comes to delivering successful change.

You see, change resistance is usually the result of a lack of trust.

If impacted employees and other stakeholders don’t trust you, boy will you have trouble bringing that change program home.

BTW even if trust was high in your organisation before the transformation program kicked off, poorly led change can massively damage trust and screw things up.

SO trust is essential for change success… but we all know trust is never a given, it’s always earned.

That’s why in this week’s episode of The New Way podcast I’m breaking down 3 must do’s to build trust when implementing change.

I cover:

  • The opposite of trust (<-- can you guess?)

  • A game-changing tip that’s especially useful if your change initiative involves reconfiguring business units and teams

  • The best way to demonstrate that you and the organisation want folks to succeed

Listen in now.  This is a super practical ep.  I know you’ll find at least one takeaway you can use to build (or keep!) high-trust so you can knock your transformation program out of the park!


[2:45]: These 3 must do’s will be relevant to your change program, no matter what.

[4:15]: Why is trust important? Research shows that trust is critical for delivering value to stakeholders 

[6:00]: Trust makes employees more productive and therefore a lack of trust causes a lot of problems. It’s a major roadblock when you’re trying to deliver change. 

[8:15]: Broken trust is rarely irreparable. 

[9:05]: #1 - Focus on communicating a clear, compelling strategic narrative or change story. This is all about focusing on why. 

[10:50]: The opposite of trust is control. If you or any other leader withholds information, you’re demonstrating a lack of trust in your people and they can feel it. 

[12:00]: #2 - Establish a cross-functional leadership team. Leaders who have bought into the change program will initiate change in their team and remove many of the barriers that would divide teams. 

[14:45]: #3 - Really invest in capability uplift. Create plenty of opportunities to build mastery to help employees feel supported and remind them of the benefits of the transformation. 

[17:45]: Wrap up


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Kate Byrne