How Making Friends With Trends Can Propel Your Change Success

The field of organisational change management isn’t new but our strategies for success are always evolving. That's why change leaders must keep their eyes peeled for trends occurring in our organisations, communities, work lives and personal lives -…

Change leaders must keep their eyes peeled for trends. I’m not talking about trends in the change management industry or theory here.  No.  Instead I’m talking about trends in our organisations and communities, and in our work lives and personal lives. 

Of course the field of organisational change management isn’t new - but our strategies for success are always evolving.

Change leaders serious about delivering successful and lasting organisational and/or digital transformation need to be able to spot trends and evolve their change management approach, strategies and tactics accordingly.

That’s why, in this week’s episode of The New Way podcast, I’m talking about how making friends with trends can propel your change success.

I break down what a trend actually is and I let you in on a few workplace trends I’ve noticed.  

In this week’s episode I cover:

  • The only kind of communication to use when talking about purpose

  • How transparency is impacting your change program (and what to do about it!)

  • What you MUST keep in mind when designing a training program these days

Take a listen now because understanding how these trends impact your change program (and I bet they do!) can be game-changing.


[1:30]: Being aware of trends in our organisations and communities can be game-changing for the success of your change program

[2:45]: A trend is a widespread shift among people in their attitudes, expectations and behaviour and they’re usually driven by shifts in culture and technology

[3:30]: Most change managers stick to what they know worked in the past but just because it worked then, doesn’t mean it will work now

[5:15]: Trend #1: A focus on organisational purpose. You really need to highlight the purpose of the change initiative through a two-way dialogue

[7:05]: Trend #2: The way people work together and transparency. Servant leadership and peer to peer collaboration in self-guided ways. Your structures, processes and policies in your organisation need to shift toward this.

[9:00]: Trend #3: Changes to workplace learning. This is a capability that every single employee needs to have. You need to make it easily accessible across the entire organisation.

[11:00]: There are a bunch of other workplace trends and next week’s entire episode will be dedicated to one of them. 




Kate Byrne